Proficiency Standards

Douglas County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Proficiency Standards

Douglas County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Proficiency Standards

In 2008, Douglas County Search & Rescue adopted a comprehensive set of proficiency standards intended to ensure that our members are always well trained and safe. These standards are in-line with those of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), National Association of Search & Rescue, Mountain Rescue Association (MRA), and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for the types of search and rescue activities that we conduct in Douglas County. Our method of implementing these proficiencies is modeled after those used by the fire service where members are required to maintain a log book in which basic skills are checked and signed off every year.

Some of the events we respond to include:

  • Avalanche rescue / recovery
  • Fire evacuation
  • Downed aircraft searching
  • Lost Skier

  • K-9 Search Teams Wilderness searches
  • Swift water rescue
  • Downed aircraft searching

  • Flood rescue
  • Basic emergency medical services
  • High/low angle rope rescue